Empowering yourself with Reiki Healing
"A healer's power stems not from any special ability, but from maintaining the courage and awareness to embody and express the universal healing power that every human being naturally possesses."
- Eric Micha'el Leventhal

Activating Reiki flow
This is a 2-day in-person workshop conducted at the home studio.
For the Reiki 1 workshop, you will be given 4 attunements to activate the flow of Reiki in your palms for LIFE.
The course content for Reiki 1 workshop is as follows :
– Introduction to Energy and Healing
– 4 Reiki Attunements
– Introduction to Chakras and their functions
– Balancing techniques for the Chakra system
– Full body healing treatment for yourself or others
– Intuitive Healing treatment
– Giving others a Reiki treatment
– First aid treatment
– Different types of Meditation and Reiki
– Qualities of Reiki
– Giving Reiki to animals and plants, other general uses etc.
– Grounding and cleansing techniques
– Usui Reiki history and the 5 principles
Energy Exchange: $400

Symbols & Reiki
This is a 2-day in-person workshop conducted at the home studio.
For the Reiki 2 workshop, it is recommended that there should be a 2 months waiting period after Reiki 1. This is to allow students to fully integrate Reiki into their life :)
A second-degree attunement is given and 3 symbols are taught. You will learn to empower your Reiki flow and other practical ways to use the symbols and heal at a deeper level.
The course content for Reiki 2 workshop is as follows :
– The Empowerment symbol - enhances Reiki flow, and grounding. Increases effectiveness when used together with other symbols
– The Harmony symbol - bringing harmony to spaces, environment, belongings, people. Helps with creativity, intuition and communications etc
– The Sending symbol - allows Reiki to be sent to people, events etc. Time is not a concern as we will be able to dial in whenever and wherever we are
​If you did not take Reiki 1 with us at Tehara Dream, do contact us to check on eligibility before registration.
Energy Exchange: $500

Growth & Transformation​
This is a 2-day in-person workshop conducted at the home studio.
This is to allow students to fully integrate Reiki into their life :)
For the Reiki 3 workshop, it is recommended that there should be a 6 months waiting period after Reiki 2.
You will learn how to give Heart attunement and minor chakra attunements. Master symbol will also be taught and you will learn how to use it for sending and healing etc.
Pre-requisites: Reiki 2 with a Reiki centre trained Reiki Master and have completed Reiki 2 at least 6 months prior with all homework completed.
As Reiki 3 is about growth and transformation, therefore, you should be familiar with all 3 symbols taught in Reiki 2.
The course content for Reiki 3 workshop is as follows :
– Giving Heart attunement - allowing the recipient to have Reiki flow temporarily
– Master symbol
​If you did not take Reiki 2 with us at Tehara Dream, do contact us to check on eligibility before registration.
Energy Exchange: $700
Reiki teacher’s training can be taken right after the Reiki level 3 training.
It comprised of 3 weekend or weekday workshops in the beginning, mid and end of the training process with assignments and homework. The entire process is designed to take 6 months but can take shorter or longer depending on your individual journey. There is no time restraint and you can take as long as you require to complete your studies. However, if you do not complete all the assignments in time for the gathering for your year, your graduation will be delayed.
Pre-requisites is that you must have completed Reiki 3.
Should you have any further queries or clarifications, do not hesitate to contact us at or whatsapp us at 8793 4234 :)
"Click Here" to book your workshops :)
**The experience of receiving Reiki varies depending on the recipient's self awareness and sensitivity to energies but rest asured that Reiki will still flow and work to your highest and better self and good**
Not sure if Reiki healing is suitable for you? Contact us directly to find out more.