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Understanding Chakras

Writer's picture: Tehara DreamTehara Dream

Updated: Apr 11, 2022

Chakras are the concentrated energy centers of the body. In Sanskrit, the word “chakra” means “disk” or “wheel” and is derived from the root word “cakra”.

We have major and minor chakras in our energetic body systems. The seven (7) main chakras runs along your spine, starting at the root, or base, of your spine and extend to the crown of your head.

The 7 major Chakras are namely, Root/Base, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Third eye and Crown. There are 7 sounds (frequencies) and colors associated with the chakras and did you know that they correspond to the colors of the rainbow!

Chakras are responsible for distributing the life energy known as prana or Qi. Our well-being on all levels can affect and is affected by the chakras. If they get blocked, or are not balanced, illnesses are more likely to occur. You may experience physical or emotional symptoms related to a particular chakra.

If we are not in balance and out of sync, then we may not be taking in the maximum amount of energy for our needs. Likewise, when we do not nourish our body with the proper food and nutrients, then we may be vulnerable to sicknesses. If we “block” feelings such as anger, etc., or do not speak our truth, we may subconsciously be impeding our healthy energy flow.

Here’s a breakdown on the different chakras, their location and how you will feel when that chakra is balanced/unbalanced.

  • Base / Root Chakra – Muladhara; “I exist” This chakra is located at the base of the spine, representing the earth energy and its color is Red. This chakra relates to our basic survival instincts, sense of belonging, feeling grounded, safe, secured and stability, etc. It is associated with the skeletal, elimination, immune system and our sense of smell. When unbalanced, we may feel fearful, nervous, experience low self-esteem and attached to material things. Possible physical symptoms include constipation, arthritis, sciatica, weakness or problems in the ankles and knees, etc.

  • Sacral Chakra – Svadhistana; “I desire” This chakra is located about 1-2 inches below the navel, representing the water element and its color is Orange. This chakra is about relationships, creativity, compassion and reflects the expression of our emotional identity like happiness and joyfulness. It is associated with the reproductive as well as the urinary system and our sense of taste. When unbalanced, we may feel insecure about ourselves and may be in manipulative and controlling relationships, feelings of being unemotional, or overly emotional, having addictions related to pleasure (ie food, drinks, sex etc.), Possible physical symptoms include fertility, sexual, lower back, urinary or kidney issues, etc.

  • Solar Plexus Chakra – Manipura; “I control” This chakra is located between our ribs, at the base of the sternum, representing the fire element and its color is Yellow. This chakra is the centre of personal power and relates to self-esteem, self-confidence, self-discipline, self-respect and self-acceptance. It is associated with the digestive system and our sense of sight. When unbalanced, we may need constant reassurance from others, feelings of indecisiveness, having a sense of insecurity, often feeling angry, critical, judgmental, controlling, etc. Possible physical symptoms include digestive problems, anger issues, stomach ulcers or muscle weakness, etc.

  • Heart Chakra – Anahata; “I love” This chakra is located at the center of the chest, representing the air element and its primary color is Green with the secondary color as Pink. This chakra relates to expressions of love, compassion, gratitude and governs our ability to trust and forgive, connecting with harmony and peace. It is associated with our respiratory, cardiovascular system and our sense of touch. When unbalanced, we may constantly feel hopelessness, hatred, anger, despair, depression, jealousy, fear, withholding of love or the inability to forgive or trust, etc. Possible physical symptoms include high blood pressure, heart or lung disease etc.

  • Throat Chakra – Vishuddha; “I express” This chakra is located at the base of our throat, representing the water element and its color is Blue. It is the centre for communication, self-expression and governs both speaking and listening. It is associated with our metabolic and endocrine system and is linked to the ears. When unbalanced, one might have difficulties expressing themselves truthfully and effectively, etc. Possible physical symptoms include sore throat, tonsillitis, dental issues, neck aches, thyroid problems or hearing problems etc.

  • Third Eye Chakra – Ajna; “I am the witness" This chakra is located in the center of the forehead, between your eyes, representing the light element and its color is Indigo. It is the centre of wisdom, intuition and insight. It affects how we perceive others and the world around us, with the ability to separate reality from fantasy or delusions, having a strong intuition, and our ability to receive non-verbal messages. It is associated with our sense of thought. When unbalanced, it may show up as having feelings of confusion, difficulties in focusing, concentrating, lack of imagination, arrogance, egoistic, impatience etc. Possible physical symptoms include frequent headaches, sinus, nose congestion, disturbed sleep, brain tumor, strokes, panic attacks and depression, etc.

  • Crown Chakra – Sahasrara; “I am that I am” This chakra is located at the top of the head and does not represent any element. It developed by thought and mindfulness and its color is Violet or White. It is the seat of awareness, understanding and our highest states of potential and being. We would be able to live in the now, with a sense of wholeness and completeness and feel joyful and inspired without having any material attachments. It is associated with our nervous system. When unbalanced, we may feel flighty or disconnected from the world, feeling the lack of purpose, direction and struggle with decision making. It can cause one to worry intensely, experience anxiety, lack of faith, depression, or have rigid beliefs. Possible physical symptoms include clumsiness, migraines, disease to the brain or immune system, chronic exhaustion, over-sensitivity to light and sound, etc.

Here’s a Chakra cheat sheet for reference :)

Being fully aware of all the 7 major chakras and the organs they impact will help one have a better understanding of your body system and how the body responds to blockages, manifesting itself into commonly known physical symptoms. This is the body's way of giving us messages and guiding us towards resolution and solutions by showing us which area we need to energetically unblock.

In the following weeks, we will be diving into each individual chakra and the various ways to keep them balanced, achieving health and wellness.

​At Tehara Dream, we practice the traditional Usui Reiki method to aid in unblocking, clearing and balancing the chakras for your highest and better self and good.

All you need is an open mind (:

Not sure if Reiki healing is suitable for you? Contact us directly to find out more.

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